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The Mexican Magazine of Biodiversity, (RMB Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad)

As of 2019, volume 90, the RMB will adopt a continuous publication modality, which means that articles are formed and published one after the other as they are accepted. Under the new scheme, the annual volume will not be divided into numbers and the articles will have a numerical (digital) identifier, without the continuous pagination of the previous volumes.

The RMB publishes national or foreign works that are the result of original scientific research, in Spanish or English, on the knowledge of the biodiversity of the American continent (systematics, biogeography, ecology and evolution), its conservation, resource use and management. It is an Open Access publication with contents of interest for experts – students, professors and researchers from educational institutions, technology centers, research centers – of the different areas. The system of arbitration by external peers is blind, which guarantees high quality standards. Currently, the RMB is included in WoS, Scopus, DOAJ, Latindex, SciELO, Classification System of Mexican Journals of Science and Technology of Conacyt, RedALyC, among others.