Comparación de los ensamblajes de escarabajos copronecrófagos (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) entre fragmentos de bosque seco tropical y la matriz adyacente en el departamento del Atlántico-Colombia
Jorge Luis Rangel-Acosta, Neis José Martínez-Hernández
© 2017 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología. Este es un artículo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND
Palabras clave:
Scarabaeinae; Caribe colombiano; Fragmentos; Reserva Campesina La Montaña; Cercas vivas; Primeras lluvias
Comparison of copro-necrophagous beetle assemblages (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) amongtropical dry forest fragments and the adjacent matrix in the Atlántico Department of Colombia
The fragmentation of the tropical dry forest in the Colombian Caribbean has left forest fragments immerse in matrices of livestock and agriculturaluses, where dung beetle communities are found and about which little is known on their spatio-temporal dynamics. Therefore, a comparison ofthe spatio-temporal variation of copro-necrophagous beetles assemblage (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) was conducted between forest patches andtheir adjacent matrix (cropland, paddocks, living fences) in 3 locations (Corrales de San Luis [CSL], Reserva Campesina La Monta˜na [RCM] yReserva Bijibana [RB]). Two samplings were carried out in each season (first rains, heavy rains and dry) and for every forest patch and adjacentmatrix 10 pitfall traps were buried. A total of 34,170 beetles was collected belonging to 15 genera and 32 species. The analysis of interpolationand extrapolation showed that the highest diversity values are found during the first rains in the living fences of RCM with 22 species and the lowest values were observed in cropland and pasture of CSL during the dry season (2 species). The ANOSIM test proved that forest patches havedifferences in the composition and structure of Scarabaeinae community in relation to the other habitats with anthropic impact.
Scarabaeidae; Colombian Caribbean; Fragments; Reserva Campesina La Monta˜na; Living fences; First rains